紅烏龍茶包 3g x 20入
- 紅烏龍外觀形狀為半球形顆粒,色澤墨紅帶有光澤。
- 茶湯水色明亮清澈,呈琥珀橙紅色蘊含烏龍茶迷人的香氣滋味
- 紅烏龍屬於重發酵、中度烘培之烏龍茶,可當陳年茶典藏。
- 茶質具熟果香,滋味醇厚圓滑、富有活性、甘醇、耐泡,為冷泡茶的上選材料。
- 紅烏龍為台灣本土創新的烏龍茶類,深受國外消費市場喜愛。
傳統上茶葉的沖泡方式是以熱水為主,而紅烏龍是冷熱兼宜沖泡的特色茶,特別是以冷泡方式更能凸顯紅烏龍之特色。紅烏龍可說是有紅茶的茶湯水色,兼具烏龍茶的甘醇滋味。 以下是沖泡紅烏龍注意事項:
- 以熱水沖泡紅烏龍置茶量要減少,沖泡時間要縮短,可減三分之一置茶量。
- 冷泡法用600cc之礦泉水投入約3~5公克的紅烏龍茶葉,置於常溫或冰箱冷藏,約3~8小時即能取出飲用(濃淡可斟酌時間延長)。
- 以熱水沖泡紅烏龍冷卻,茶湯置於透明玻璃杯,茶湯呈現琥珀般的水色,有如典藏白蘭地、威士忌酒,茶湯更顯甘甜滑順,值得您來細細品評。
【About Red Oolong】
Red oolong is a type of oolong tea that has been heavily oxidized, giving it a dark brown or reddish color. It is typically made from the Camellia sinensis var. assamica tea plant, and is grown in Taiwan. Red oolong has a full-bodied flavor with notes of caramel, fruit, and nuts. It is often described as being smooth and mellow, with a slightly sweet aftertaste.
Red oolong tea is a good source of antioxidants, and has been shown to have a number of health benefits, including:
Reducing the risk of heart disease *Lowering cholesterol *Boosting the immune system *Fighting cancer *Improving mental alertness *Reducing stress
Red oolong tea is also a good source of caffeine, making it a popular choice for people who are looking for a pick-me-up without the jitters.
To brew red oolong tea, use 1 teaspoon of tea leaves per cup of water. Heat the water to 195-205 degrees Fahrenheit, and pour it over the tea leaves. Steep for 3-5 minutes, and enjoy.
Red oolong tea can be enjoyed hot or cold. It is also a popular ingredient in cocktails and other drinks.
Here are some tips for choosing and storing red oolong tea:
Look for tea leaves that are dark brown or reddish in color.
Avoid tea leaves that are broken or have a musty smell.
Store red oolong tea in an airtight container in a cool, dark place.
Red oolong tea is a delicious and healthy tea that can be enjoyed in a variety of ways.