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【格外農品GoodWill Foods】香水草莓果茶醬Strawberry Jam

NT$ 280.00
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果茶醬內容物只有香水草莓、砂糖、檸檬汁,不添加膠,100%無添加物。《格外農品GoodWill Foods》選用產季尾聲的草莓,因為氣候漸熱導致草莓小果數量增加,味道微酸但香氣逼人。草莓製成果茶醬後自然的酸度豐富了味道的層次,更部分保留整顆草莓讓你入口即化。草莓果茶醬使用方式多元,除了適合入茶、牛奶、無糖優格等,還能成為甜點的原料。


果茶醬相對於果醬,是不加"膠體"的,所以更天然,狀態更為流動,可以塗抹也可以沖泡 ,不僅能直接沖泡做成水果茶,略為流動的狀態反而在塗抹上會被麵包體吸收更多水果風味,讓滋味會更融合、順口。











The ingredients include only strawberries, extra light sugar, lemon juice, and no added pectin. We select strawberries which are produced at the end of the growing season. The strawberries are a little sour but have strong aroma because the weather is getting hotter which makes the number of small strawberries increase. The cultivar of Feng-Xiang Strawberries originates in Japan. The flesh is smooth and it can melt in one’s mouth and bring a little smell of milk. After making into jam, the strawberries have natural sourness which enriches the flavor. There are plenty of uses of strawberry jam. Besides being used with tea, milk, sugar-free yogurt, etc., it can be used as an ingredient of desserts.

The strawberries are growing in Gongguan Township, Miaoli County. The planter Mr. Fu-Yu Xie is one of the Top 100 Young Farmers. Born in the 1980s, he started to study the cultivation of strawberries when he was in college. In the beginning, he applied the traditional method of soil cultivation, and then, he gradually turned to use elevated cultivation to enhance the drain ability, and he also adjusted the way of farm management. Besides, he also set up screened growth rooms to prevent pest, so a 4 Fen (approx. 0.387 hectare) strawberry farm can produce the quantity from an 8 Fen (approx. 0.775 hectare) strawberry farm; that is why he is called “Tech Farmer.” The strawberries of Mr. Fu-Yu Xie earned the certification of TAP (Traceability Agricultural Product), and he regularly sends his strawberries to be tested to ensure that the pesticide residues meet the standard. Good-quality strawberries are not only the safe choice for consumers but the ingredient used by many famous food processing plants.
